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Exclusive Listing Marketing Strategy

Posted by REMAX Costa Rica on February 14, 2022

An Exclusive Listing Often Results in a Higher Selling Price

A RE/MAX certified Costa Rica real estate specialist will represent your property exclusively but how does that benefit you? Every seller needs someone dedicated to their interest. Your RE/MAX Costa Rica agent will take the time to negotiate on your behalf to make sure you can take full advantage of an opportunity of having an exclusive listing marketing strategy, and aim to get the best offer possible.

Property Sign People Recognize

Statistically, foreign buyers are more likely to purchase through a company known for high ethical standards. RE/MAX Costa Rica is part of the number one real estate network across over 110 borders.  The globally trusted brand behind your property will bring in more buyers.

Marketing and Promotion

An exclusive listing also allows your agent to invest more time and advertising dollars. As an office, we put a lot of money into advertisements, but honestly, each listing is not equal. The agent’s primary responsibility is to the clients who have hired us exclusively. Yet, most of the time, the commission percentage does not change between a non-exclusive and an exclusive listing. The difference is the security of an agent hired to represent a property until it is sold.

The RE/MAX Costa Rica has the most educated and top agents in the country. All RE/MAX exclusives get “an exclusive” spot in our marketing efforts. This gives the agent the green light to invest their marketing experience and resources to promote the property. It is out goal to kept both buyers and other agents well informed on the changes and best deals on the market.

Furthermore, the RE/MAX systems are built around empowering the agent to serve their buyers and sellers. For example, the extensive REMAX software and systems help the agents quickly produce professional flyers, videos, web commercials, and other marketing material.

Does an exclusive listing marketing strategy benefit the seller?

Costa Rica does not have a MLS (multiply listings system) so how does a seller get thier property in front of all the key players and potential buyers?

The RE/MAX Costa Rica team continues to grow each day! Together we are committed to serving our clients with excellence and integrity. We are aware that the best way we can promote your property is to make sure we keep good relationship with our competitors. Our goal is to be your MLS by promoting your property internationally as much as possible. With an exclusive agreement, your property will get more –not less –exposure!

We are dedicated to making sure your listing is top of mind. Let’s get your property in the hands of potential buyers. Contact RE/MAX Costa Rica today and let us help you sell your property.

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